Seniors: Free Money!

If you are a senior age 62 or older, we have a $100 gift card incentive to thank you for fighting the spread of COVID-19 and to offer financial relief. Applications will be accepted May 8, 2023 – May 22, 2023.

How do I qualify?

  • Must be age 62 or older (born on or before May 22, 1961)
  • Must be a City of Portsmouth resident.
  • Must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (No Boosters Needed)

How do I Apply?

  • Complete an application and return it to the City of Portsmouth for approval.
  • Applications will be located at the following:

Social Services,
1701 High St, Portsmouth, VA 23704

Portsmouth Senior Station
3500 Clifford St, Portsmouth, VA 23707

Portsmouth City Hall
801 Crawford St, Portsmouth, VA 23704

City of Portsmouth website: 

Any City of Portsmouth Library – The Library Staff will assist as follows:

Print a hard copy of the form:

Where do I return my application?

Social Services Drop Box at 1701 High Street

Portsmouth City Hall at 801 Crawford Street – 6th Floor – City Manager’s Office

Any City of Portsmouth Library

Apply directly online at

Postal mail: 

Attention: City Manager’s Office ARPA $100 Gift Card
P O Box 820
Portsmouth VA 23705

How do I get my gift card?

Once approved, the City Manager’s office will contact you with the time and convenient location for pickup.

Seniors must provide proof of Portsmouth residency, a copy of their vaccine card, and a copy of their state-issued identification card or driver’s license.

Each Qualified Senior will receive a $100 gift card.  Fees may apply.

For additional Information, please contact Stacy Porter at:

Click the following link for a message about this program from Interim City Manager Mimi Terry:


Bernadette L. Hogge
City Ombudsman
City of Portsmouth
801 Crawford Street
Portsmouth, VA  23704

(757) 393-5143 Ext. 4129