Shea Terrace Welcomes New NIO Officer, Whitney Ray

Shea Terrace has had some terrific NEAT (Neighborhood Enhancement Action Team)  officers, termed “NIO’s” (neighborhood impact officers) over the years. In fact, we’re such  great trainers here in the neighborhood, we seem to lose NIO’s to promotion!

Rusty Venters, a previous NIO, is now Lt. Venters. And, unfortunately for us, but happily  for him, NIO Sean Hughes has been promoted to Sgt.

Our new NIO is a trailblazer. Officer Whitney Ray is our first female NIO. Officer Ray will serve Shea Terrace and London Oaks. Ray is well thought of by both her peers and chain  of command. She spent several years in security with the Portsmouth Police Department prior to becoming an officer.

Ray comes to us with 5 years total expNIO Ray (2014)erience. Her last position was as a uniformed  patrol officer in the Southside area, serving residents of Truxton and Swanson Homes on the midnight tour.

Officer Ray has already met with members of the Civic League Board and looks forward to meeting community members at the next Civic League meeting. She has also met with  the two detectives who serve our neighborhood. Ray is clearly a problem solver and  a “people person”; both important qualities in a successful neighborhood officer.

Please be sure to offer Officer Ray a warm Shea Terrace welcome as you see her out and about. As always, call 911 first in an emergency, but feel free to call Officer Whitney Ray at cell phone number 715-3641 or with any neighborhood crime questions or concerns.

10-10-10 Program

Department of Neighborhood Advancement

10-10-10 Program

To fulfill our mission of improving the quality of all Portsmouth’s neighborhoods and maintaining their diversity we need your help.

We need to challenge ourselves to discover the desires and expectations of each community – your community – and then work together to exceed them. We need to know what you think are the important attributes for a good neighborhood, what the negative factors are for a community and what current problems you feel need to be fixed.

The “10-10-10 Program” is our way of learning these specific desires and challenges. We’d like you to tell us 10 good attributes, 10 negative attributes, and 10 things you feel are preventing your neighborhood from being better.

Please take some time to complete the questionnaire below. We would like to have this information collected by October 15th. And please share this page with your neighbors. Thank you for your support.

Fred Brusso
Director, Department of Neighborhood Advancement

SAVE THE DATE: Annual Yard Sale

Saturday, May 4th

Contact: Pat Pfeiffer (757) 397-6043

** It is the responsibility of each participant to purchase their own
Yard Sale permit (available downtown). I believe the cost remains $5,
and affords the purchaser one “rain date”.

Civic League Meeting: March 25th (7pm)

Next Civic League Meeting
Date: March 25, 2013
Time: 7:00 PM to 8:30PM

Meeting Agenda:
Donna Corbus – Please join us for the next Civic League meeting with Portsmouth City  Recycling Coordinator Donna Corbus. Find out how you can get rid of your old paint, oil,  old electronics, etc.

Civic League Meeting – Monday, September 10th

There will be a regular meeting of the Shea Terrace Civic League at 7pm Monday night at the Flagship Restaurant. Come by and meet our new community police officer and two of our school board candidates.

Terry Danaher, who helped organize Citizens for Accountability in Politics, will be our guest speaker and give us an update on the pending lawsuit with regard to the new tolls on the Downtown and Midtown Tunnels.

Please bring your checkbooks or some cash to help donate to her organization and stop the tolls.

Summer Courtyard Concert Series 2012

First Presbyterian Church, 515 Court Street, in historic Olde Towne Portsmouth, invites you the Seventh Annual Courtyard Concert Series.

  • June 27 Tanner’s Creek Whalers
  • July 11 Little Bit of Swing
  • July 25 Dances With Dragons
  • August 8 Top Hats(40’s style Big Band)
  • August 22 Sporting Molly (Celtic Music)

All Concerts begin at 7:00 PM and are free and open to the public.

Bring your lawn chair and join us for these wonderful concerts as we fill the air of downtown Portsmouth with music, excitement and fun.

For more information, please call the church office at 397-3622.

Flagship Now Open For Dinner!

The Flagship Restaurant will be opening on Thursday, January 19th with

New hours are:

Monday-Thursday (10am-11pm)
Friday & Saturday (10am-midnight)
Sunday (12noon-10pm) *bar hours will vary

Stop by, grab a bite to eat, and congratulate the new owner John Skinner.

Happy Holiday

May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow.

The Shea Terrace Civic League wishes you lots of love, joy and happiness this holiday season.

The New Website!

Welcome to the newly refurbished website of the Shea Terrace Civic League. This is a that will reflect the neighborhood in many different ways, including:

  • Announcements to residents
  • History of the neighborhood
  • General business of the League

The site is powered by WordPress, a robust and tested format for creating web sites similar to what we are striving for here. We hope you will offer up your pictures, words and suggestions to make this site informative, enjoyable and entertaining to residents and visitors.

Thank you.
Rob Cutchins, Webmaster

For more information, please contact Civic League President, Joe Scharl.

To contribute photos, stories or web site suggestions, please contact the webmaster, Rob Cutchins