Upcoming Events:

Calvary Baptist Church Fellowship Hall / 7:00pm
Download the meeting agenda HERE.

Location and start time to be announced.
A national community-building campaign
that promotes police-community

Location and start time to be announced.
Sign up with Joe Scharl to host a stop. One
free ticket included per host house!

Neighborhood Pot Luck: Sunday, May 22nd

Join your neighbors for a pot luck! To be held at Leckie Street and Jamestown Avenue.

Civic League to provide burgers, hot dogs, and buns. BYOB, a chair, and a dish to pass.

Please RSVP, so appropriate quantities of food can be purchased.

You can find us on FaceBook!

2016 Slate of Officers

The 2016 Officers for the Shea Terrace Civic League take their respective roles to continue guiding and improving our neighborhood. Welcome aboard!



From left to right: Kristen Jones, Vice-President / Sarah Cunningham, President / Amy Fox, Treasurer / Pat Pfeiffer, Secretary

Constitution Water and Sewer Rehab Newsletter

The City of Portsmouth Department of Public Utilities will soon begin replacement of the existing water and sanitary sewer mains along a portion of Constitution Avenue from approximately North Street to Ann Street.  In general, this work will be confined to excavation of the roadway for installation of the pipes, manholes, and various connections.  Upon completion of the utility work, this portion of Constitution Avenue will be repaved.

The project was awarded to Gaston Brothers with an anticipated mobilization at the beginning of May.  The total construction time for this project is two months.  Unfortunately, construction of this magnitude can be disruptive.  However, the City and Gaston Brothers will work very hard to minimize disruptions.  Construction activity will be limited to Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm.  However, there will be a maximum of three scheduled water service interruptions as the contractor replaces the water lines.  This work will occur between the hours of midnight and 6 am and you will be notified in advance.

Click the link below to see the attached PDF for information on entrance and exit plans for Shea Terrace traffic.

Portsmouth Public Utilities Work on Constitution Avenue


Many of you have been wondering about the utilities work on Constitution Avenue.

I spoke with Brian Foster at Portsmouth Public Utilities at 393 8691, ext 2192.

The situation with the sewer pipes in this area has been longstanding.  I am sure that you have seen the Department of Public Utilities vehicles “bubbling out” this area of the neighborhood.  Now, the situation has become worse, causing the collapse of part of the street and necessitating the pumping machine to be on 24/7.

All of this is due to aging infrastructure and begs for a permanent solution.

The final bids to correct the total problem on Constitution Avenue were due in yesterday (April 8th).  During the next few weeks, a contractor will be chosen. We will have notification before work begins and advanced notice of any time the water will be shut off.  The project may take up to 4 months.

This will cause some disruption, but the ultimate result will be a long-term solution vs. the piecemeal repairs that last only a few years.

Your Civic League will continue to keep you informed as the start date comes closer.  We will have direct contact to project managers and have a commitment from Mr. Foster that his department will keep in close contact with the neighborhood via the Civic League.

Best regards,

Bruce Bremer, President
Shea Terrace Civic League